VINE was a three-year federally funded research project that explored the development of vocabulary knowledge through word consciousness. It was a collaboration between the University of California-Santa Cruz, San Jose State University, and seven districts in the surrounding areas.
- To co-construct, with teachers, an intervention that helps fourth grade students, particularly English learners and those traditionally under-served by schools, develop word consciousness and an understanding of how to use academic language as a tool of communication.
- To obtain evidence that our co-constructed intervention improves the reading, writing, and vocabulary achievement of fourth graders.
Research Questions
- How did word study/word consciousness affect students’ reading comprehension?
- How did word study/word consciousness affect students’ writing?
- Did word study/word consciousness significantly enhance students’ writing achievement?
- Did word study/word consciousness significantly enhance students’ reading comprehension?
Research Participants
Fourth grade teachers from metropolitan, town, and rural areas of California.
- Previous experience with writing workshop
- 15-50% ELL students in their classes
- Willing to make a 1-3 year commitment
- Flexibility in teaching
Research Plan
- Staggered entry design so that the teachers who were in the “control” group in the first year became “intervention” teachers the following year.
- Think-tank model through which we built a collaborative community based on shared expertise and action research.
- Data sources included: student and teacher questionnaires and interviews, California Standards Tests in reading, writing, and vocabulary, writing samples, pre- and post-tests of linguistic/semantic knowledge about words, teacher journals, field notes, videotaped classroom observations, an inventory of classroom libraries, and student book logs.
- Data analyses focused on reading, writing, and vocabulary growth by case-study students and by control and intervention classes. Professional growth of the control and intervention teachers was also analyzed.
VINE: “We gratefully acknowledge funding by the US Dept of Education: Institute of Education Sciences/National Center for Educational Research. Reading and Writing Education Research Grant – #R305G060140. This presentation is the sole responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the US Department of Education.”