On the left side of the frame, there are three students studying at desks in an academic setting. On the right side of the frame, there is a keyboard with red keys spelling out the word LEARN.

The goal of the tecWAVE project is to develop and test a web application that provides middle school students with explicit scaffolding for word learning through multimedia multilingual word annotation.

When too many words are unknown in a text, comprehension suffers. tecWAVE takes advantage of the Internet to provide “in the moment” vocabulary assistance for struggling readers.

In tecWAVE, academic texts are input into the system and, as students read through the text, certain words are highlighted allowing students to click on them. The highlighted words are selected by the application based upon a variety of factors including age, reading level, and native language.

Due to the nature of ever-changing software technology, this application is no longer available on this website.

tecWAVE: “We gratefully acknowledge funding by the US Dept of Education: Institute of Education Sciences/National Center for Educational Research.Educational Technology- Goal 2: Development grant #R305A080596.  This presentation is the sole responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the US Department of Education.”